Living Green Magazine – paul hawken discusses sustainability issues

The social justice, environmental, and indigenous movements are intertwining and morphing, and are becoming the largest social movement in the history of the world. They are in essence humanity’s immune response to political corruption, economic disease, and ecological degradation.

Humans have created a powerful arsenal of tools to redress what ails the world. Poverty, hunger, and preventable childhood diseases can be eliminated within a generation. Energy use can be reduced by 90 percent, and the remaining 10 percent can be replaced with renewable energy. Gaps in education and opportunity can be closed within ten years. Toxins and poisons that permeate our daily lives can be eliminated through green chemistry. Biological agriculture can increase yields, reduce and eliminate pesticides, and save family farms. Green, safe, livable cities are at our fingertips. Inexpensive water technologies can ensure that every single person on Earth has clean drinking water.

It has been said by many that we cannot save the planet unless there’s a widespread spiritual or religious awakening. But would we recognize a spiritual awakening in this world if we saw one? What if an awakening was already deeply in place and we don’t see it? In other words, it’s here.

via Living Green Magazine – paul hawken discusses sustainability issues.

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